Abstract Expressionism in Sydney 1956–1964
- When 7 Oct - 24 Oct 1980
200 Cumberland Street, The Rocks, NSW 2000
Abstract expressionism, remains a viable and compelling art form. Despite the development and proliferation of styles and attitudes in recent years, many of the foremost early abstract expressionists have maintained this form of painting as a relevant means of expression and communication. The continuing interest in abstract expressionism is particularly noticeable amongst painting students in art schools where. at least for a period, they become involved in the exploration of the very substance of painting: the paint itself.
This exhibition represents the work of those artists who, considered avant garde at the time, established abstract expressionism in Australia.
Robert Klippel
Henry Salkauskas
Eva Kubbos
Carl Plate
Tony Tuckson
Ron Lambert
Curated by Peter Pinson
Images: Cover: Peter Upward "January Seventh" 1961