O Soul O Spirit O Fire: Celebrating fifty years of the Blake Prize for Religious Art
- When 18 Apr - 25 May 2002
O Soul O Spirit O Fire: Celebrating fifty years of the Blake Prize for Religious Art.
John Adair
Davida Allen
Asher Bilu
Marion Borgelt
Warren Breninger
Arthur Boyd
John Coburn
Maryanne Coutts
Lawrence Daws
Donald Friend
Leonard French
George Gittoes
Laurie Gowanulli
Ian Grant
Thomas Gleghorn
Geoff Harvey
Weaver Hawkins
Hector Sundaloo Jandany
Roger Kemp
Michael Kitching
Michael Kmit
Alun Leach-Jones
Janet Laurence
Keith Looby
Elwyn Lynn
Hilarie Mais
Rodney Milgate
Linda Syddick Napaltjarri
Justin O’Brien
Desiderius Orban
John Passmore
Stanislaus Rapotec
Julie Rrap
Garry Shead
Eric Smith
Joseph Szabo
Ann Taylor
Peter Upward
Rosemary Valadon
Salvatore Zofrea
Curated by Rosemary Crumlin
Organised as a touring exhibition from QUT Art Museum
Sponsored by John Panizza and Gordon Darling Foundation

Public Programs
Friday 19th April 2-5:30pm Ivan Dougherty Gallery
Session One: Art and Religion -chaired by Sister Rosemary Crumlin rsm
Speakers: Michael Griffith (Australian Catholic University), Rachael Kohn
(ABC Radio), Reverend Rod Pattenden (Institute of Theology and the Arts)
Session Two: The Spiritual in Art -chaired by Nick Waterlow
Speakers: Blake Prize-winning artists George Gittoes, Ian Grant, Janet
Laurence + Julie Rrap
Install Images: Hector Sundaloo (Jandany) Christ Crucified in my Country ,1991 ochre on canvas 190 x 248cm 'O Soul O Spirit O Fire' Ivan Dougherty Gallery, Sydney 2002.
Install Images: Installation view 'O Soul O Spirit O Fire' Ivan Dougherty Gallery, Sydney 2002.