The fourth annual Douglass Art Awards for the City Art Institute
- When 27 Feb - 19 Mar 1988
The Douglass Art Award consists of two acquisitive prizes each of $2,000 to encourage and assist talented recent graduands of the City Art Institute to travel, undertake further study or to commence professional practice. The awards are presented each year at an exhibition of selected entries which is held in the Ivan Dougherty Gallery in February/Morch to coincide with the lnstitute's orientation programs for new students. This 1988 exhibition represents the 4th year of this prize with the selected entries richly display a diversity of approaches and talents among City Arts students and attest to the continuing vigour of art and art education in this State.
Tim Allen
Michael Balleine
Andrew Bennett
Peter Bourke
Phillip Brew
Malcolm Buchan
Michael Burliss
Carlos Cervino
Teh Huah Chu
Kay Chun
Julie Cook
Joanne Doring
Quentin Evans
Michael Felstead
Lisa Ferrier
Penelope Gibson
Leann Gittany
Mario Grech
David Haines
Trina Hayes
David Heytman
Rosalba Higgs
Sophie Jackson
Fiona Knox
Efthymios Jetis
Katy Lumkin
Francesco Maltese
Peggy Middleton
Nick Miller
Karla Milne
Patricia Nutter
Teresa Oxley
Mary Pace
Lisa Pittar
Belinda Rossi
Nuha Saad
Kurt Schranzer
Maggie SMith
John Thieting
Matthew Tome
Cecilia Warrick
Sarah Waterson
Janene Webber
Sherrie Weston
Roderick Williams
Christine Yates
Sponsored by Dr Bronte Douglass
Images: Detail view, Lean GIttany, Untitled 1987, , Black and White Photograph, Ivan Dougherty Gallery, 1988